Maintaining Channel Drains

Regular maintenance ensures effective drainage

Debris in rainwater runoff

Rainwater runoff isn’t just water. As soon as water runs across an impermeable surface, it can pick up whatever is on the surface: silt, leaves, moss, cigarette buts and other litter, etc. Particularly during a heavy downpour, rainwater sweeps all before it into the drainage system. Depending on site conditions, channel drainage systems require regular maintenance to remove buildup of debris.

A road drain blocked with leaves showing water backing up
Rainwater sweeping leaves into and blocking a road drain.
Channel drain and grate badly blocked with silt
Channel drain is so blocked with silt that rainwater can't enter the channel and so pools over the drain.

Design channel drainage to capture debris and maintain channel drainage by removing debris.

Good channel design allows easier maintenance

Incorporating sump units and access covers (for Brickslot channels) into channel design is important for maintenance.

Sump units are installed at the outlet point of a channel run. The sump helps reduce silt and debris entering the stormwater drainage system by capturing it in a basket or trap. Consequently, sumps require periodic emptying.

For Brickslot channels, access covers must be installed at regular intervals in long runs and after any change in direction. As the Brickslot grating is built into the paved surface, it is only possible to clear the channel at an access cover. For HexDrain Brickslot, corner units also act as access covers.  

Maintaining channels with gratings

The grates in ACO’s domestic channels clip securely into the channel, so use ACO’s grating lifting tool (1367) to release the grate from the channel. Lifting the grate without using the lifting tool may result in damage to the grate, particularly to plastic gratings.

Insert the tool in from the end and gently raise to release it from its locking points. With plastic grates, release the grate at both ends first and then raise grate from a central point to avoid bending the grating.
Use a trowel or stiff brush to remove silt and debris in the channel.
Lifting out clogged sump in ACO channel drain
Empty the silt bucket or sump.
Replacing grate on an ACO channel drain after cleaning
Replace silt bucket and grates.
Maintaining Brickslot channels

Lifting the access cover

The Brickslot access cover lifting tools (415924) rotate under the full width of the insert tray and so provide adequate support as the tray is lifted out. This helps to protect the surrounding access cover, the insert and its paving product. This is particularly important with high-finish products like porcelain tiles.

For RainDrain Brickslot channels, the access cover is lifted using a a pair of lifting tools.
Once the L section is under the access unit, rotate the lifting tool through 90 degrees so the L section is securely under the insert tray
Each lifting tool is inserted at either end of the slot in the access cover, with the lower L section aligned with the slot.
Now gently pull both lifting tools upwards to raise the insert tray out of the access cover. Beware the insert tray may be heavy due to the weight of the paving product embedded within it.

Clearing the channel, cleaning the sump

Clear any debris in the access covers and replace the silt bucket in the sump. Use either a garden hose or the hand-held attachment of a pressure washer to clean through the slots. If debris is tightly compacted in the slot, use a blunt tool such as a screwdriver to loosen the material. Direct the water into the channel at access covers to flush the channel out below. Clean out and replace the silt bucket in the sump again and carefully lower the insert trays into the access covers using the two lifting tools.

For all channel types: The use of boiling water or cleaning agents is not recommended. If you do use cleaning agents, consult the cleaning product’s manufacturer for information on compatibility with the channel drain materials.

Regular maintenance to remove debris ensures your ACO channel is ready to drain next time it rains.

Channel maintenance tools from ACO
Tool to lift ACO gratings off channels
ACO Grating Lifting Tool (1367)
tool to lift access covers for RainDrain Brickslot
ACO Brickslot Access Cover Lifting Tool (415924)