Architecture across continents beyond.aco
AIT-Dialog and ACO jointly invite to the new virtual event series “beyond.aco – architecture across continents”, which focuses on responsible architecture in times of global change and changing conditions and climatic challenges. Renowned architects from seven continents — Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antarctica — will discuss the topic under different headings and examine it from ecological, social, societal and economic aspects. The spotlight will be on forward-looking building projects that react innovatively, experimentally and sustainably on a global and local level to the consequences of change and to extreme local conditions, emphasising the responsible use of resources and incorporating local building techniques and materials.
Under the motto “beyond”, we ask the question: What does responsible planning of the architecture and the city of tomorrow look like that breaks new ground beyond standards and established building techniques and materials? The task of current architecture, urban planning and the built environment in urban and rural areas is to react flexibly to the changing demands of both their users and their environment and to open up new possibilities for use through transformation beyond the original function. The focus is on buildings that achieve “more” beyond aesthetic demands and functional criteria; integrate expandable functional possibilities; refer to and blend in with their context in the sense of Responsive Architecture; are adapted to social and climatic conditions; and are built under fair working conditions and with social responsibility.
The event series brings together perspectives from different continents and poses the question of how architecture can respond to change by consciously dealing with it, and how we can learn from each other in the process. In two keynote lectures, architects will present future-oriented building projects that are being developed taking into account local factors such as the responsible use of ecological, sustainable and local building materials, local trades or local conditions.
Under the motto “ACO on site”, we will take you on a virtual tour of extraordinary construction sites all over the world, showing construction projects that are implemented under extreme conditions. The emphasis is on topics that ACO has set itself as corporate objectives, such as groundwater protection, water management, innovative ways of achieving holistic rainwater and drainage management, and support of the natural water cycle. In on-site discussions, architects, clients and representatives of ACO will illuminate the project.
Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to talk directly experts from ACO in individual chat rooms.
Meaning of “beyond”
The term "beyond" doesn't just mean apart or away from but can also be applied to architecture. What we are referring to is a building culture that breaks new ground beyond norms and standards and away from the mainstream, while at the same time focusing on social relevance and current and local conditions - architecture that connects.
Well-conceived architecture, urban planning and projects in threshold areas and open spaces that react to both extreme local conditions and the current social situation and are thus able to shrink and grow and take on new functions by means of deconstruction and conversion are at the forefront. The use of ecological and sustainable building materials is essential here, so that the buildings can be dismantled into their individual components and raw materials and the materials can be reused elsewhere. In addition, the transformation of existing buildings, which can be achieved through experimental approaches such as assembling and dismantling, reuse of materials and conversion, subsequent use and co-use, also plays a decisive role.

Event schedule (GMT Time)
11:00 | Welcome
11:10 | Keynote Peter Rich | Johannesburg, South Africa
11:30 | Q&A
11:40 | Keynote Kunlé Adeyemi | Amsterdam, Holland
12:00 | Q&A
12:10 | ACO on site | Place Laboratory | Perth, Western Australia
12:25 | Conclusion
12:30 | askACO breakout sessions