On World Water Day (22 March), construction professionals are urged to review their understanding of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) amid a global climate and water crisis. ACO Technologies, an ambassador for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation - highlights the way in which water treatment and containment on site can contribute significantly to the macro-objectives of protecting water and ensuring it continues to be a renewable resource.
ACO, a leader in surface water management, says that re-evaluating water capture, storage, treatment, and release is essential for many reasons, from ensuring clean water is returned into ground water and water courses, to maximising use of land whilst also enhancing the associated environment. It is frequently the combination of green infrastructure with engineered solutions that improves resilience to flooding and prevents pollutants from entering the environment whilst optimising land take.
“We’re seeing progress in infrastructure designs incorporating sustainable drainage,” said Dr David Smoker, Technical Director at ACO Technologies. “As SDG 6 ambassadors, we recognise the advancements in sustainable drainage, and we are passionate about championing uptake in design and implementation.
“The climate crisis persists, and with the UK’s goals for new towns and infrastructure, there’s a critical need to ensure today’s developments are sustainable for future generations. Developers and engineers can elevate their designs by understanding available solutions and techniques, improving sustainability and the project quality by maximising space.”
At a new-build supermarket or distribution centre, for example, rainwater landing on the rooftop requires little treatment and can be managed via blue or blue-green roof systems which allow for the reuse of water, a primary consideration of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act.
In contrast, car park runoff – often contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals — demands more robust treatment. Linear drainage systems can keep water levels elevated, allowing controlled transfer to adjacent nature-based solutions (NbSs) such as swales. If needed, an upstream system like ACO’s StormSed Vortex can reduce the pollutant load, protecting the swale's functionality and helping ensure high-quality water is released. In this example, a rooftop attenuation system allows for smaller swales, freeing up more area for amenity or even parking spaces if necessary.
David said: “Partnering early on with experts, such as those at ACO, is a key part of understanding the best way of facilitating sustainable drainage and maximising space – whether through hard engineered solutions such as blue roofs, nature-based solutions such as swales and ponds, or a combination of both approaches.”
ACO suggests that a simple 4 ‘W’s’ thought process at the outset of any project:
- Who must be involved: effective SuDS design requires close collaboration with clients, design stakeholders, constructors, ecologists and the local community.
- What regulatory compliance is relevant: engage deeply in understanding compliance with local and national regulations related to drainage and water quality.
- Where the site is: what opportunities are immediately obvious and available for green solutions and what are the limiting factors.
- Whole life costing: conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of SuDS.
This framework will help to ensure a more comprehensive approach to drainage, ensuring sustainability is achieved and potentially improving the usability and aesthetic of the development whilst also protecting a crucial resource
David continued: “The UN SDGs are vital targets to aim for and we can work towards these goals by applying expert knowledge to every aspect of new sites and schemes. Ahead of World Water Day, we are urging all those involved in developments that have a drainage component to consult with experts as early as possible to optimise how water is captured and cared for while meeting the requirements of the development and all planning conditions.”
For more on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and how ACO can assist, see ACO.com.